Workflow/Flowchart: Permanent Supportive Housing (Single Site)
This article contains the 1) official workflow and 2) flowchart of data collection and data entry for single site Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) programs for DE-CMIS.
Please note that this is a general workflow and flowchart; some programs may have slight alterations to the content provided here.
Single Site
- Receive referral from Centralized Intake (CI) through CMIS and email.
- Contact client.
- Explain provider’s Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) process.
- Request client information and documentation.
- Schedule client's intake and move in.
- Complete all necessary intake paperwork.
- Clients referred by CI will already have a profile in CMIS.
- Review client’s Universal Data Elements (UDEs) and update, if needed.
- Select program as Provider and click “View All” on the Shelters Module Dashboard.
- Un-hold bed(s) clients will move into.
- Begin Check-In process by using the check-in button next to Head of Household () in Outstanding Referrals section.
- Date In should accurately reflect date and time when the client started receiving services with program.
- Assign Unit.
- (for families) Select all household members moving into program.
- Add two Releases of Information (ROIs) for all household members under: 1) the Parent Provider and 2) the specific PSH project the client is being moved into.
- Review/Update the Entry Assessment, as needed.
- All assessment questions (living situation, income, non-cash benefits, insurance, disability) should reflect the client's situation as of their date of check-in.
- Case Management tab – add client's case manager.
- Case Plans tab – upload files relating to client’s case management.
- Interims – record changes in a client’s information throughout their program stay.
- Housing Move-In Date – if client moves into housing unit after date of application approval, create an Interim to update HMID. This may happen the same day as project entry.
- Annual Assessment – Needs to be added annually through an interim for clients staying in program for 365 days or more.
- Service Transactions - Add Service to add Case Notes and/or Moving On Assistance notes for the client's file as they occur.
- If entering through the Clients Module, Enter Data As and Back Date Modes may need to be utilized.
- Use check-out button () next to Head of Household when client(s) move out of their PSH unit.
- Select all household members exiting the program.
- Answer “Reason for Leaving” and “Destination” that best reflects client’s situation.
- Update Exit Assessment, as needed.
- Hold the now-Empty bed(s) until they are available for new Referral from CI.
Single Site
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