Workflow/Flowchart: PATH-Funded Programs (Street Outreach, Supportive Services Only)

Workflow/Flowchart: PATH-Funded Programs (Street Outreach, Supportive Services Only)

This article contains the 1) official workflow and 2) flowchart of data collection and data entry for PATH-funded Street Outreach or Supportive Services Only programs for DE-CMIS.
Please note that this is a general workflow and flowchart; some programs may have slight alterations to the content provided here.



      1. Meet with/observe the client, and collect as much information as you can.
        1. Name, Gender, Race and Ethnicity, current location, Current Living Situation can be collected.
        2. Collected information must be checked/confirmed during engagement.
      2. Naming Convention – A Code Name can be used to enter and track observed clients into CMIS.
        1. First Name – Put the initials of your organization (ex. RII) before the client’s first name if they do not provide their full name. If client’s first name is not provided, First Name field will be an observed descriptive characteristic.
          1. Examples: RII Thomas / RII RedCap
        2. Last Name – Put the initials of your organization (ex. RII) before the client’s last name if they do not provide their full name. For observed clients, Last Name field will be their location or time of observation.
          1. Examples: RII WilmingtonRiverfront / RII 062920211238PM

    1. Complete all necessary intake paperwork.



    1. Set Back Date Mode to date and time of the client’s initial contact or observation.
    1. Search for client by their name or using your organization’s initials. Those who do not have a profile already will need to have one created.

    1. Enter client’s Universal Data Elements (UDEs). For clients with saved UDEs in the system, review and update, if needed.

    1. Check that all household members being served by Street Outreach team are linked under a household. If not, add additional household members now.

    1. Add two Releases of Information (ROIs) for all household members under: 1) the Parent Provider and 2) the specific Street Outreach project the client is being served by.

    1. All clients, including observed clients, must be enrolled in the Street Outreach project to be counted.
    2. Select all household members that are being enrolled into Street Outreach.
    3. Add an Entry/Exit under the specific program the client is being served by.
    4. Review and update all questions on the Entry Assessment that have been answered during contact or observation.
      1. A new Current Living Situation should be entered for every contact had with the client.
      2. All Entry Assessment questions must be completed before or at the Date of Engagement.
      3. All entry assessment questions (living situation, income, non-cash benefits, insurance, disability) should reflect the clients’ situation as of their date of check-in.

    1. Case Management tab – add clients’ case manager.
    2. Case Plans tab – upload files relating to clients’ case management.
    3. Interims – record updates/changes in a client’s information throughout their program enrollment.
      1. Additional Current Living Situations, for each contact
      2. Date of PATH Status Determination
        1. PATH Enrollment
          1. If not, reason why
      3. Connection with SOAR

    1. Activate Enter Data As Mode to the specific PATH program assisting the client.
    2. Add Services for each service provided to client.
      1. Add Case Notes, if required by agency.
    3. "Type of PATH FUNDED Service Provided" must be selected to be counted.

    1. Clients are to be exited from the Street Outreach program when they stop receiving services or are not in contact with organization after 30 days.
    2. Select all household members exiting the project.
    3. Select the Reason for Leaving and Destination that best reflects the client’s situation.
    4. Update the Exit Assessment with any information not collected at Entry or through an Interim.


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