This article outlines how DE-CMIS end users can update sub-assessments. HUD Verification is the term used in CMIS for the sub-assessments outlined in this article.
HUD Verification sub-assessments are located in the entry assessment, interim assessment, and exit assessment for the following data elements:
- Income
- Non-cash benefits
- Health Insurance
- Disabilities
1. A two- or three-step process must be followed when entering or updating a data element that includes answering a sub-assessment.
- Must select "Yes" or "No" to if the client has the item in question (such as "Income from Any Source" or "Covered by Health Insurance").
- Click the header for HUD Verification to continue with the sub-assessment.
- Income only - Must type the Total Monthly Income totaling the values entered in the HUD Verification.
2. In the HUD Verification, ensure that the table matches the previously-answered Yes/No question. For any client who answered "Yes" on the assessment, at least one row in the sub-assessment must be answered as "Yes".
- If the response for any row is "Incomplete", use the "No" option from above to autofill these blanks (if true for the client).
- Manually change any response to a row to "Yes" if the field applies to the client. For income only, you will then be prompted to type in the Monthly Amount that the client receives from that source.
3. If there is previously-saved information in the sub-assessment and any source needs to be updated, click the pencil icon for the corresponding source.
4. Do not change the response (Yes/No) immediately.
Add an End Date and Save. This date (B) should be the day before the date of the assessment (Project Start Date, Interim, or Exit Date)(A).
5. The source should now have the response of "Incomplete" on the sub-assessment. Select the applicable answer for the client as of the date of assessment.
6. If "Yes" is selected, another window may appear, depending on the sub-assessment.
- For Income, a new Monthly Amount will need to be entered.

- For Non-cash Benefits, the monthly amount can be saved after saving the Yes/No response.
1. Click on the pencil icon to open the sub-assessment value.
2. Enter the "Amount of Non-Cash Benefit".
3. "Save" and exit.
- For Disabilities, two fields must be updated:
1. If Yes, Expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration and substantially impairs ability to live independently: Yes/No question
2. Note on Disability: A text box available to provide notes on the client's disability, if needed.
7. Double-check that all parts of the two- or three-step process for each data element match in their assessment responses.