Referrals Report

Referrals Report


The Referrals report is a canned report available in CMIS. The Referrals report provides a list of all clients who were referred to or from one project in CMIS to another, as well as outcomes for those referrals.
  1. For agencies that receive referrals from Centralized Intake, this report is a helpful tool to track that all referrals have been sent in CMIS and have been responded to.
  2. For agencies that receive PATH funding, this report is a helpful took to track that all outgoing referrals to health providers have been sent in CMIS.


Canned reports, like the Referrals report, are available to all CMIS end users. This means that the report is always accessible in CMIS and can be run and re-run to review CMIS data in real time.
Access to data pulled through canned reports depends on the end user's visibility settings and project access.


Housing Alliance Delaware recommends that the Referrals report is run and reviewed by providers on a weekly basis to ensure that all referrals are responded to in a prompt manner.


To locate the Referrals report, go to the Reports module of CMIS. There are two ways to access this module:

1. Click the arrow on the sidebar of CMIS to expand the Reports menu. Referrals will be available in the list of report options.

2. Click the Reports button on the sidebar of CMIS to open the Report Dashboard. Referrals is located under the Provider Reports section.


The Report Options contains customizable fields to run reports, based on the information that needs to be pulled. These fields can be edited between each report run.

Fields & Descriptions:
Provider - Use the drop-down or Search to identify the Provider the report will be run for.
  1. Using the parent provider project and selecting "This provider AND its subordinates" will pull all referrals sent to an Agency.
  2. Using the parent provider project and selecting "This provider ONLY" will pull all referrals sent for Rapid Rehousing.
  3. Specific ESTHTH-RRH, or PSH projects must be run through separate reports.
Referral Type - Select "Incoming referrals to provider", with the exception of Centralized Intake staff who would select "Outgoing referrals from provider".

Referral Status - Select if the report should only pull outstanding (those without Referral Outcomes), closed (those with answered Referral Outcomes), or all referrals.

Referral Outcome - This option will only appear if "Closed" or "ALL" is selected for the previous field.
Select if the report results should be filtered by a specific Referral Outcome: "Accepted", "Canceled", or "Declined" are used by Delaware's CoC.

Referral Date Range - Select a Start and End date to filter results.

Sort Order - Select if results should be sorted by Client Name, Group ID, Referral Date, Referral Type, or any combination and/or order.
      HAD note: Especially for providers that work with families, it is recommended to sort by Referral Date and then Group ID.

Once all fields have correctly been entered, click the "Build Report" button.


The Report Results will appear immediately.
Referrals for all project types sent by Centralized Intake (ES, TH, TH-RRH, PSH) will be visible in the Report Results.

  1. Export Report - Downloads to Report Results as an Excel file.
  2. Update Referral Outcome - Available for Agency Administrators only
    1. Feature that allows client(s) be selected and update their Referral Outcome. Referrals can be updated to "Accepted", "Declined", or "Canceled", and should accurately reflect the outcome.
      1. ES, TH, and PSH programs that use the Shelters Module - Referral Outcome should not be updated to "Accepted" through this feature. Instead, the client(s) should be checked into a Unit List through the Shelters Module. Referrals will automatically be updated with an "Accepted" Referral Outcome after check-in.

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