Parent Providers/Parent Provider Entries

Parent Providers/Parent Provider Entries

This article reviews Parent Providers and Parent Provider entries, and how to address data issues that may result form them.


Q: What is a Parent Provider?
A: A Parent Provider acts as a holder for all individual projects that each Agency Partner operates and enters data for in CMIS. Relating to CMIS data, the Parent Provider does not contain any assessment questions nor does it count toward program enrollments.
Think of the Parent Provider as a file drawer of a filing cabinet. Specific projects that house/serve clients would be the folders that store in that drawer. Without the folder, the files for clients would fall to the bottom of the drawer and potentially be forgotten.

Q: When entering clients, which project should be selected? And why?
A: An agency's specific project should be selected during program enrollment because only those are pulled into reporting. In CMIS, the Parent Provider never acts as a project that tracks data for services, and they do not have assessments to collect client-level information.


Q: How can I tell if the entry I created is correct?
A: Under Program,  the Entry / Exit table should show the specific project that the client was enrolled into


Q: Why is the first picture above incorrect?
A: Since Parent Providers have no associated assessments and are not pulled into reporting, it will cause client-level data to be missing for the client. They will not be included in the agency's program enrollments when reports are pulled. In this case, "Ministry of Caring (84)" is that organization's Parent Provider project, while "Ministry of Caring - Mary Mother of Hope House I ES (90)" is one of the programs that they operate and can enroll clients under.


SCENARIO 1: Clients Module

The Provider was not changed while creating an Entry/Exit.

SCENARIO 2: Shelters Module

The Provider is usually updated to the specific project that correlates to the Unit List that you are updating, except during:
  1. Vendor or system glitches
  2. Poor internet connection
How often these scenarios come about for CMIS end users vary by agency (especially those in more rural areas). We understand that this is inconvenient, but ask you to double-check your Provider while checking in clients so that they are enrolled correctly.


CMIS end users can run a Data Quality Framework for your Parent Provider project to locate clients with these types of enrollments.

GOAL: Total Numbers of Persons Served should be 0. Any number higher means that clients will need to be moved to the specific project they are being served by.


1. In the affect client's Entry / Exit tab, open the related assessment by clicking on the pencil/edit icon to the left of the Project Start Date.

2. Click Save & Continue on the window that appears, titled "Edit Project Start Data".

3. Use the Provider drop-down (or Search) to locate and select the correct project that the client should be enrolled under.
  1. If the client's Project Type is incorrect, you can change that here using the Type drop-down (for example, Home of the Brave's project Type is VA).

4. Click Update.

5. Complete the client's entry assessment.
  1. Since Parent Providers do not have entry assessments attached, client information will need to be added or updated for their profile to be accurate in CMIS as of the date and time of their entry.
  2. Data entered and visible within the client's entry assessment as of the date and time of their entry is what is pulled for program-level reporting.

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