Multiple RRH Enrollments & HMIDs

Multiple RRH Enrollments & HMIDs


Multiple funding sources can be used to provide services to Rapid Rehousing (RRH) clients. For example, one funding source can be used to provide housing navigation and moving in services, while another funding source may need to be used to provide a few months' rent.
In CMIS, these different funding sources being used are distinguished through creating multiple RRH projects in the client's Entry/Exit tab.

For system-wide reporting, the date(s) of when a funding source was used, as well as how clients are marked as housed (through the Housing Move-In Date, or HMID) matter. This article will outline how that data should be input into CMIS to avoid issues with reporting.


Let's outline a typical RRH situation. A client starts working with an organization for RRH assistance. The agency uses one type of RRH funding to help this client locate housing, to get them moved in, and then provide a couple months of rent. However, it's not a full year of rental assistance that many providers offer clients, so another funding RRH source needs to be utilized to secure the client's housing and additional case management. 


Entry/Exit Dates:

  1. The Project Start Date of the first/earlier RRH project entry should reflect when housing assistance from the first funding source began.
  2. The Project End Date should reflect when funding has been utilized in full. In "data speak", this would correlate with the day before another project entry is created for another funding source.

Housing Move-In Date:

  1. Upon entry, the client should have a blank/null Housing Move-In Date, confirming that the client is homeless upon enrollment.
  2. When a client moves into permanent housing, the first project entry must have an Interim Review (Update) to enter a Housing Move-In Date (HMID) that matches when the client moved into the permanent housing unit.


Entry/Exit Dates:

  1. The Project Start Date of the second/later RRH project entry should reflect when assistance from the second funding source began. When it comes to CMIS data, this must reflect the day after the previous funding source stopped being utilized.
  2. Entry/Exit Dates for RRH entries cannot overlap. Therefore, back-to-back project entries signify that the client is being served once, but with multiple funding sources. There should be no gap (in dates) for these back-to-back entries, as gaps signify a separate "case" (which is interpreted as problematic, as RRH can only be utilized once per year for a client).

Housing Move-In Date:

  1. If the client was already housed during the first project's enrollment, the later project entry/entries must have a HMID that matches the Project Start Date of the entry. This HMID update must be completed in the entry assessment.
  2. Important Disclaimer: If the HMID is not updated in an Interim connected to the later entry or entries, the initial HMID transferred over is outside of the Entry/Exit Dates; this will not count the client as being housed in system-wide reporting.

In Summary:

  1. In CMIS, the client can only be enrolled in one project at a time, which means that project enrollments cannot overlap.
  2. Housing Move-In Dates must be updated between project entries, as reporting does not capture HMIDs from previous entries.


This is what an example of how this situation could look like in the Entry/Exit tab of a client's profile on CMIS:


Note how the Exit Date of a project entry and the Entry Date of the following entry/entries are one day apart:


Here is how Housing Move-In Dates (HMIDs) would be entered throughout the client's service enrollments:

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