Household Data Sharing

Household Data Sharing


This article's purpose is to provide guidance to DE-CMIS users to utilize the Household Data Sharing capabilities that are available in the system.

Adding Household Data will allow for data relating to client's CoC Enrollment, location, and length of time (LOT) data to be shared from one client of a project entry to other household members also being enrolled. The most common scenario for this function to be used is to share data from the Head of Household to other members of the same Household. This will help reduce data quality errors from system performance-related data elements and overall reporting.

While Household Data Sharing can help reduce the amount of time used to enter client-level data in CMIS, some situations still require for LOT data to be changed on a client-by-client basis. These situations may include, but are not limited to:
  1. Clients who joined a project enrollment after the Head of Household's date of project entry
  2. Adults (18+) who had a Prior Living Situation that differs from the Head of Household
  3. Minors (<18) whose Head of Household can provide a more accurate detail of their Prior Living Situation during intake
  4. Children born during the household's project stay

METHOD #1: Clients Module

1. Complete your Head of Household's entry assessment, as usual. Click "Save" to save their assessment responses.

2. Scroll towards the top of the entry assessment window and select the "Add Household Data" button, located at the top of the entry assessment.

3. In the "Household Data Sharing" window:
      a. Select all household members whose data should be updated to match the Head of Household. Be mindful to only select clients who are also included in the project enrollment.
      b. The Head of Household's entry data will have transferred to the "Household Data Sharing" window and applicable responses are visible. If these responses are not accurate at the time of project enrollment, update them now.
      c. Click "Save & Exit".

4. Use the "Household Members" section on the entry assessment window to switch between household members to complete remaining entry assessment questions. Responses updated through Household Data Sharing, such as CoC Enrollment, location, and LOT, have already been saved.
Entry assessment questions that are not covered through Household Data Sharing include:
  1. Demographics
  2. LOT questions (if different from Head of Household)
  3. Income
  4. Noncash benefits
  5. Health Insurance
  6. Disabling Conditions

5. Click "Save & Exit" once all entry assessments have been completed.

METHOD #2: Shelters Module

1. Access your project's Unit List.

2. Select the Head of Household that is going to be checked in, using the Outstanding Incoming Referral or Client Search.

3. Complete the Head of Household's Unit Entry Data Information.
  1. Make sure that your Date In is updated and accurate before proceeding.

4. In the Households Overview section, manage the household to include all household members that will also be checked in (if not already completed, and if applicable).

5. Select the "Add Household Information" button.

6. In the "Household Data Sharing" window:
      a. Select all household members whose data should be updated to match the Head of Household. Be mindful to only select clients who are also included in the project enrollment.
      b. The client's most recent responses to the applicable assessment questions are visible. If these responses are not accurate at the time of project enrollment, update them now.
      c. Click "Save & Exit".

7. Complete the remaining sections of the client's Check-In. Responses updated through Household Data Sharing, such as CoC Enrollment, location, and LOT, have already been saved.
  1. Household Members
  2. ROI
  3. Entry Data - Entry assessment questions that are not covered through Household Data Sharing include:
    1. Demographics
    2. LOT questions (if different from Head of Household)
    3. Income
    4. Noncash benefits
    5. Health Insurance
    6. Disabling Conditions
8. Click "Save & Exit" once complete.

9. Complete the remaining entry assessment(s) for the rest of the household that was just checked in by clicking on their names on the Unit List. Entry assessment questions that are not covered through Household Data Sharing and will need to be answered/updated include:
  1. Demographics
  2. LOT questions (if different from Head of Household)
  3. Income
  4. Noncash benefits
  5. Health Insurance
  6. Disabling Conditions

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