2024 Housing Inventory Count

2024 Housing Inventory Count

The following message was originally sent via Constant Contact on Thursday, February 8, 2024.
Formatting was edited to post.

Hello all,

It is the time of year when Housing Alliance Delaware collects information for the annual Housing Inventory Count (HIC) on behalf of the Delaware Continuum of Care. The HIC is completed in tandem with the Point in Time (PIT) Count, which occurred on the night of Wednesday, January 24, 2024.

The PIT reflects the state's need for shelter and housing for Delaware's homeless population, while the HIC reflects the state's supply of resources available.

Please read this message in full to see this year's altered process for the 2024 Housing Inventory Count, and the updated links necessary to complete this process.
Thank you in advance for your participation and continued partnership!

All active programs in the state must be included in the HIC, regardless of their participation in CMIS.

Project types included in the HIC are:

  1. Emergency Shelter (ES)
  1. Transitional Housing (TH)
  1. Joint TH/RRH
  1. Permanent Housing
  1. Rapid Rehousing (RRH)
  1. Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
  1. Other Permanent Housing (OPH)


There are three steps to this year's Housing Inventory Count Process.

STEP ONE: Project Inventory Updates - deadline Friday, March 8

HAD staff reached out to all CMIS-participating projects for updates on their projects' inventories (shelter or services available per project by household type, based on grant terms and/or program capacity/space) in October of 2023.

Therefore, we are only requiring that an Inventory Update Form is completed if:

  1.  Your projects do not participate in year-round CMIS data entry.

  1. There have been changes in grants and/or capacity since October of 2023.

  1. You are unsure if your project(s) had their inventory/ies reviewed in October of 2023.

Inventories submitted must be based on availability as of the night of the PIT, or 1/24/24.


This year, Housing Alliance Delaware will compile the PIT Count data previously asked to be submitted. For us to be able to get this information, CMIS data entry as of the night of the PIT/HIC must be up to date and complete. To ensure that PIT and HIC information is accurate, CMIS end users must ensure that:

  1. All active clients are enrolled in the applicable project(s), with accurate Entry Dates and complete/updated entry assessments.
  2. Clients who were not being served as of the night of 1/24/24 have been exited.
  3. Clients who were housed as of the night of the PIT (for RRH, PSH, and OPH projects) have accurate Housing Move-In Dates entered through an Interim.
    1. HAD will send out HMID reports to applicable agencies the week of February 12th.

Housing Alliance Delaware will reach out to agencies shortly after the deadline to review any data quality issues that may impact these reports' submissions.

The link below will direct to you to the HIC How To Guide on the CMIS Support Desk, which covers FAQs and gives guidance on how to review PIT/HIC data through a CoC APR.



For project(s) that do not complete CMIS data entry, PIT surveys collected by Housing Alliance Delaware will take care of this process for you.

  1. If your program still has physical 2024 PIT surveys, please contact Erin Gallaher at egallaher@housingalliancede.org. These are due to HAD before Friday, February 15.
  2. The HIC How To Guide linked above can provide more insight on the entire HIC process.


STEP THREE: Housing Alliance Delaware's PIT/HIC Reconciliation - late March/early April

While finalizing the PIT and HIC reports that Housing Alliance Delaware will submit to HUD, we may reach out to agencies to confirm their project data.

This may happen in the cases of high levels of data quality issues and/or high or low project utilization rates. supply of resources available.

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