This article will provide information and guidance on two federal reports due to HUD on an annual basis:

      1. Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA)
      2. System Performance Measures

These reports review program-level (LSA) and client-level data from CMIS for the previous fiscal year (Date Range: 10/1 - 9/30).

Data entered in CMIS throughout the year directly impacts the information that can and will be submitted to HUD through these reports. Housing Alliance Delaware asks that agency partners continue to do their part to ensure that their CMIS data is accurate, consistent, complete, and timely.
Closer to the review and submission stages of federal reports, data quality for the previous fiscal year should be reviewed by agency partners to fill in any potential gaps in data that may skew reporting submission results. Housing Alliance Delaware will also be reaching out to agency partners during the fall and winter to assist with this process.

See the attached documents for previous years' (FY21 and FY22) information which has previously been provided by Housing Alliance Delaware through other avenues. The information being collected in these reports remain the same between years, unless noted, and HAD expects FY24 to be similar, if not identical, to previous years. Deadlines and timelines will vary year by year, which is impacted by HUD's timeline.

Information and guidance for the FY23 submissions (due early 2024) will be added to this article after HAD receives updates/information from HUD.
  1. FY23 LSA Submission Deadline: January 24, 2024 (STATUS: SUBMITTED) 
  2. FY23 SPM Submission Deadline: TBA (STATUS: WAITING FOR HUD) 

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