CMIS Referrals - Clients Module

CMIS Referrals - Clients Module

Referrals sent by Centralized Intake to programs that only utilize the Clients Module (Diversion, RRH, and scattered-site PSH) can be accessed by client. There are two methods to see and respond to a client's referral in CMIS.

Method 1. Outstanding referrals for RRH and scattered-site PSH programs can be found in the client's file under the Client Summary Tab.

Scroll down to the "Outstanding Incoming Referrals" section of the Client Summary page and click the edit pencil for your outstanding referral.

  1. If your referral is not visible on this page (which is the case for Diversion referrals), follow method #2 below.
  2. If the "Outstanding Incoming Referrals" section is not visible on the Client Summary page, contact a DE-CMIS administrator.

Method 2. All incoming referrals can be found in the Service Transactions tab of a client's profile.

After going to the Service Transaction Dashboard, click "View Previous Service Transactions" to see the referral.

After clicking “View Previous Service Transactions”, click the “Referrals” tab to see all Referrals in the system for the client.


To Cancel/Decline a Referral:

1. Click on the pencil icon next to the date of the referral you are closing out. The Referral Outcome will be blank.

2. Referral information will come up for the entire household referred (if not a single individual).
  1. If you are only declining/canceling the referral for some household members, but not all, un-check the names of the clients you are still planning to serve.
  2. If you are declining/canceling the entire referral, skip this step.

3. Update the Referral Outcome to “Declined” if your organization is choosing not to proceed with the client’s referral, or “Canceled” if your organization cannot proceed with the client’s referral.

4. Once “Declined” or “Canceled” is selected for the Referral Outcome, another assessment line appears that says, “If Canceled or Declined, Reason”. Select the option that best matches why the referral will not be accepted.

5. Click the "Save & Exit" button to save the update on this referral.

Note: The steps below are applicable to the following situations:

  1. The referral was recently sent over and is the first time a referral outcome response will be selected, or
  2. The client has been enrolled into a program, but the referral outcome is blank and does not match the situation.
To Accept a Referral:

1. Click on the pencil icon next to the referral that you are accepting. The Referral Outcome column will be blank.

2. Referral information will come up for the entire household referred (if not a single individual).
  1. If you are only declining/canceling the referral for some household members, but not all, un-check the names of the clients you are still planning to serve.
  2. If you are declining/canceling the entire referral, skip this step.

3. Update the Referral Outcome to “Accepted”.

4. Click the “Save & Exit” button to save the update on this Referral.

5. Continue the project entry process as outlined during trainings, using the Entry/Exit tab.
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