DE-CMIS Agency Adminstrators

DE-CMIS Agency Adminstrators


As the CMIS lead agency, Housing Alliance Delaware requires each CMIS-participating Agency Partner to authorize at least one Agency Administrator, to establish a point of contact on DE-CMIS-related matters on behalf of the agency. Housing Alliance Delaware expects that authorized Agency Administrators are able to uphold the responsibilities outlined in this article. These responsibilities are to be followed regardless of the Agency Administrator's status as a DE-CMIS end user.

This article can be edited at any time, based on the needs of our community.



As the Agency Partner's main point of contact for DE-CMIS policies and procedures, the Agency Administrator is responsible for ensuring that major processes outlined in the CMIS Policies & Procedures Manual and Agency Partner Agreement are completed and upheld, on behalf of the agency. These include:
  1. Ensuring that all DE-CMIS confidentiality, data security, and data privacy processes are followed by the AP.
  2. Understanding and adhering to (if applicable) the expectations outlined in the DE-CMIS User Policy Agreement.
  3. Understanding that if outlined policies and procedures are not the responsibility of the Agency Administrator (as prescribed by the agency), that those responsibilities expected by Housing Alliance Delaware are communicated and delegated within the agency.


  1. The Agency Administrator will notify HAD of new projects within ten (10) business days prior to their operational start. This is required whether a project will be CMIS-participating or not. HAD will work with the Agency Administrator on all aspects of provider setup, as needed for (if needed) data entry and reporting.
  2. The Agency Administrator is responsible for completing a Provider Setup Form for all new projects to be set up in CMIS. The Agency Administrator may request assistance from HAD, but dates of operation and terms of grant(s) used for the project must be collected prior to provider setup.
  3. The Agency Administrator will notify HAD within ten (10) business days of a project’s termination. HAD will work with the Agency Administrator on all aspects of provider closeout.
  4. The Agency Administrator will communicate with HAD of any bed or unit inventory changes within the AP’s projects. At minimum, this will occur annually during the Housing Inventory Count (HIC), during the first quarter of every year. 


  1. During HAD’s license renewal process (during the summer), the Agency Administrator will work with agency leadership (if applicable) to provide the number of DE-CMIS licenses needed on behalf of the agency. The number of licenses should be a relative reflection of the number of end users the agency needs for the upcoming DE-CMIS contract year. Invoicing will be based on the number of licenses requested by the agency, even if requested licenses from this process are unused.
  2. The Agency Administrator understands that additional DE-CMIS licenses can be requested throughout the year by contacting HAD. An additional invoice may be generated by HAD to complete this request.
  3. The Agency Administrator will coordinate the onboarding of new CMIS end users on behalf of the agency. This process will begin by contacting HAD for a User Policy Agreement to be sent to the prospective end user, and signing it to approve the end user's onboarding.
  4. The Agency Administrator should proactively communicate onboarding users, as new user training is dependent on the return of a User Policy Agreement, and time is needed to complete self-paced training courses. Upon the completion of online CMIS training, a follow-up meeting is scheduled where end users will be approved and provided CMIS access. End users will not get access to CMIS before completing their training and a follow-up meeting with HAD.
  5. The Agency Administrator will ensure that HAD is notified within five (5) business days when a CMIS end user no longer requires a CMIS license due to separation from employment, position transfer, or change in assignment.


  1. The responsibility for completeness and accuracy of CMIS reports generated by HAD is the responsibility of, and dependent upon, the accuracy and quality of the data entered by the subject Agency and its Users. Housing Alliance Delaware suggests authorizing an Agency Administrator that will champion their agency's data and strive for its accuracy and quality.
  2. The Agency Administrator is responsible for checking that all projects are consistently being updated in CMIS through client Entries, Interims, and/or Exits. All data entry guidelines are outlined in the User Policy Agreement and taught during CMIS training.
  3. Housing Alliance Delaware recommends that Agency Administrators run the Data Quality Framework (DQF), ESG CAPER, and/or CoC Annual Performance Report (APR) reports monthly to review data entry and data quality of the agency's projects.
  4. Housing Alliance Delaware will periodically send DQFs and/or APRs to the Agency Administrator to initiate data quality review. These reports can be distributed to applicable end users within the agency by the Agency Administrator.
  5. Housing Alliance Delaware may contact the Agency Administrator to address data quality errors. It is the responsibility of the Agency Administrator to respond to these inquiries, which may require contacting an end user to resolve the issue.
  6. HAD will provide guidance to minimize future similar data errors. HAD hopes that the Agency Administrator will build this knowledge while sharing this guidance with their agency's end users.
  7. Agency Administrators should be proactive with reaching out to Housing Alliance Delaware should technical assistance be needed. Agency Administrators must provide Housing Alliance Delaware ample time to investigate and/or determine solutions for assistance requested on behalf of the agency.
  8. If a custom report is needed to review and/or submit an agency’s data, the Agency Administrator must contact HAD with reporting needs in a timely manner. 

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