Add Additional Household Members to Entry

Add Additional Household Members to Entry


The purpose of this article is to provide guidance to Delaware CMIS users on how to enter new household members to an already-existing project entry.

Situations where this process may be necessary may include, but are not limited to:
  1. A household having more members than documented and/or referred by Centralized Intake
  2. A client having shared custody of a child where the client gets custody of a child while enrolled in a program
  3. A client having a new partner
  4. A client giving birth while enrolled in a program
Following this workflow will avoid having families be pulled into reports as separate households, rather than one. System-wide, this can eliminate data quality issues where unaccompanied minors are incorrectly enrolled in programs, and provide a more accurate count of households being served.


1. Access the profile of the Head of Household, who is already enrolled in the project. Go to their Households tab and review the household to check if the "new" household member(s) are already included in the household.

2. If the household member is missing, use the "Manage Household" button to add them to the household, and then click "Add/Delete Household Members". If the client does not have any households in the Households tab, use the "Start New Household" button.

a. Expand the Add Clients to the Household section by clicking on the arrow, and use the Client Search to see if the "new" client already has a profile in CMIS created. If not, use the "Add New Client With This Information" button to create a new profile. Anyone selected through this Client Search will appear in the Selected Clients box at the bottom of the window. Repeat this process until all household members that need to be added are in Selected Clients, and then click "Continue".

b. Update the newly-added clients' Relationship to Head of Household, and click Save & Exit.

3. Go to the Head of Household's Release of Information (ROI) tab to include the new household member(s).
a. Select the edit/pencil icon to access the ROIs previously created (both ROIs need to be updated with this process).
b. Click the "Include Additional Household Members" button.

c. Select the newly-added household member(s) who are being added to the project entry.

d. Click the "Continue" button, followed by the "Save Release of Information" button.

4. Proceed to the Head of Household's Entry / Exit tab and use the edit/pencil icon next to the client's already-existing Project Start Date. Click "Save & Continue" on the first pop-up window that appears to access the entry assessment.

5. In Household Members Associated with this Entry / Exit, click "Including Additional Household Members".

6. In the Edit Project Start Date window:
      a. Select the household member(s) being added to the project entry.
      b. Change the Project Start Date to match when the specific client joined the project (it may be after the Head of Household joined, which is okay! As long as it is accurate).
      c. Click "Save & Continue".

7. The Household Members Associated with this Entry / Exit table will have been updated, with the different Project Start Dates.

      As a reminder, the newly-added client(s) will need their entry assessments to be completed. Use the Household Members box to switch their entry assessment to complete it. Save & Continue when complete.



1. In the Clients Module, access the profile of the Head of Household, who is already enrolled in the project. Go to their Households tab and review the household to check if the "new" household member(s) are already included in the household.

2. If the household member is missing, use the "Manage Household" button to add them to the household, and then click "Add/Delete Household Members". If the client does not have any households in the Households tab, use the "Start New Household" button.

a. Expand the Add Clients to the Household section by clicking on the arrow, and use the Client Search to see if the "new" client already has a profile in CMIS created. If not, use the "Add New Client With This Information" button to create a new profile. Anyone selected through this Client Search will appear in the Selected Clients box at the bottom of the window. Repeat this process until all household members that need to be added are in Selected Clients, and then click "Continue".

b. Update the newly-added clients' Relationship to Head of Household, and click Save & Exit.

3. Go to the Head of Household's Release of Information (ROI) tab to include the new household member(s).
a. Select the edit/pencil icon to access the ROIs previously created (both ROIs need to be updated with this process).
b. Click the "Include Additional Household Members" button.

c. Select the newly-added household member(s) who are being added to the project entry.

d. Click the "Continue" button, followed by the "Save Release of Information" button.


4. Go to the Shelters Module and locate the Unit List of the project that your Head of Household is enrolled in. Click on the Head of Household's name.

5. In the Household Members section of the check-in screen, locate the household that was just created. Click the "Check In Additional Family Members" button above the household that contains all of the clients that need to be added to the entry.

6. The Check In Additional Household Members window will appear. Update the following, as needed:
      a. Change the Project Start Date to match when the specific client joined the project (it may be after the Head of Household joined, which is okay! As long as it is accurate).
          NOTE: If the household member(s) entered the project at the same time as the Head of Household, the Date In must be identical to the Date In for the Head of Household (it is visible on your screen, as highlighted below).
      b. Select each household member that is being added to the project entry.
      c. Click "Save & Continue".

7. In the Household Members section, the newly-added household member will now be included in the Entry. Assign their Unit using the "Assign Unit" button.

8. Scroll to the bottom of the check-in screen and click "Save & Exit".

9. The newly-added client(s) would be visible on the Unit List at this time. To confirm that this check-in process was completed correctly, review the household's Dates In and make sure that they have a matching Group ID number.

10. To complete the check-in process, click on the newly-added client's name to access their Check In screen. Complete their Entry Assessment.


Q1: The Head of Household and another household member entered the project at the same time. I just forgot to enter the entire family the first time. Do I follow this same workflow?

A: If following the Clients Module data entry workflow, follow the instructions above up to Step 6B. At this point, you would need to be update the window so that the Project Start Date matches (and be identical, down to the second) to the Head of Household. To locate the date and time that the Project Start Date should be changed to, use the date/time located on the pop-up window mentioned in Step 4.

Q2: I added the client to a Household and they still don't appear in the Edit Project Start Date screen. What did I do wrong?

A: The most common reason for this issue is that the Head of Household has multiple Households in their profile, and the new client was added to the wrong Household.
To avoid this issue, make sure that the same Household from the project entry that was initially used is the one that the new household member will be added to. This can be found when reviewing the Edit Project Start Date window.

For example: Since Bertie Braxton is not in the same Household as the household used to enroll Anthony and Ashley, Bertie would need to be added to Household #1 to be checked in.

Q3: How can I make sure that my entire family was entered as household on the Unit List?

A: On the Unit List, check that all of the household members enrolled have a matching Group ID. If not, they were not enrolled as a family.
Contact Housing Alliance Delaware to manage this process, since the incorrect entries will need to be deleted so that the family can be enrolled together and each client only be counted once in reporting.

Q4: I used the wrong Entry Date for a client. Can I fix it?

A: If this scenario has happened, it is possible to make changes, but may be best to contact Housing Alliance Delaware to ensure that all related data points are being updated.
  1. If your program follows a Shelters Module data entry workflow, dates must be updated in the Shelters Module.
    1. If the client/household has been exited since, contact HAD with the correct date(s) for these changes to be made for you.
  2. If different Household Members have different Start Dates, confirm with Housing Alliance Delaware the best way to make the necessary edits. Some, but not all, edits can be made using the instructions in this article.
  3. If you put an Entry Date that is too late and need to change it to an earlier date, any entry assessment data saved will no longer be visible/correct for the client (as assessment data is reliant on time stamps). The entry assessment will have to be redone in these scenarios, which is why HAD suggests confirming the Project Start Date or Date In during enrollment.

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